Independent Skill Advancement Areas

Independent Skill Advancement Areas is the Domain IV in The CMS Approach™. These areas are specific zones in the classroom where students are encouraged to develop their independent skills. Independent skill advancement areas in the classroom are designed to help students with ASD and related disabilities become more independent. They provide a structured environment with tools and support to help students learn new skills and complete tasks on their own.

There are two main areas:

  • Independent Task Completion Area: Here, students learn to follow clear instructions and complete tasks step-by-step. They use visual aids and other tools to stay on track.
  • Phasing Preparation Area: This area helps students get ready for a general education classroom setting. They practice skills like managing their emotions and working independently with an individualized binder that offers specific student support. More details about this concept are provided during our CMS training sessions.

Teachers play a key role by designing personalized tasks, measuring progress, and reducing support as students become more confident. 

Learning Styles

Each independent skill advancement area is tailored to support students with different learning styles, particularly focusing on implicit learning and executive functioning abilities.

  • Implicit learning means that students learn things without even realizing it. They pick up knowledge and skills by being exposed to them, doing things over and over again, and gaining experience rather than being directly taught or making a conscious effort to learn. 
  • Executive functioning refers to a set of mental skills that students need for everyday life. These skills help them learn new things, work on tasks, and handle daily activities smoothly. Some of these skills include remembering things we need to do, being able to adapt our plans when things change, and controlling our actions and emotions. Challenges in executive function can make it hard for students to pay attention, follow instructions, or manage their feelings, among other things.

Ultimately, the goal is to empower students to take charge of their own learning journey.

Independent Task Completion Area

The independent task completion area is a designated space within the classroom where the students can work on tasks or assignments independently. In this area, the teacher provides visual support to help students understand what to do.

Teachers pick the best way to show instructions based on what works best for each student. Additionally, teachers consider the principle of least prompting in mind when deciding on the best way to instruct students. 

The independent task completion area facilitates implicit learning and executive functioning by giving students chances to practice their skills in different places, not just in the classroom. This helps them get better at things without even knowing it is happening.

Phasing Preparation Area

The Phasing preparation area is an integral part of The CMS Approach™. It focuses on helping students learn foundational skills necessary for successful inclusion in the General Education (Gen Ed) setting. 

Teachers also track the progress of students’ social skills, such as speaking up for themselves and regulating their own behavior. This helps make sure that students are not moved into regular classrooms just based on their academic performance.

The phasing preparation area supports implicit learning and executive functioning through opportunities for students to practice previously learned skills and complete tasks independently in different settings.

During our workshops and training sessions, teachers will receive specialized tools and learn specific strategies that support students with ASD and related disabilities to become more independent. 

Join The CMS Community

Independent skill advancement areas can help create an inclusive learning environment where students have the opportunity to develop and enhance their skills independently. 

We invite you and your school district to become part of a community that values expertise, empathy, and empowerment. By embracing The CMS Approach™, you are not only enhancing your own teaching experience but also shaping a brighter future for students with ASD and disabilities. 

Explore our resources, participate in our training, and connect with fellow educators who are making a difference every day.

Partner with CMS
A Premier Behavior Collaborative, wrap-around behavioral supports for your district's needs

24851 S Ellsworth Rd. Ste. 100-151
Queen Creek, AZ 85142


Working Hours

Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

A Premier Behavior Collaborative, wrap-around behavioral supports for your district's needs
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